Welcome to Year 3
This year Miss Bartlett, Mrs Meller, Mrs Coats, Mrs Wing and Mrs Pickles will be teaching in Year 3 and will be supported by Ms Kendall and Miss Keeley.
In addition to the Y3 Guide for Parents/Carers which gives an outline of the curriculum, we give more details about what your child is learning in weekly home support task sheets.
Y3 PE Timetable
Y3 PE lessons are as follows:
Y3BB | Thursday and Friday |
Y3MC | Tuesday & Friday |
Y3PW | Tuesday & Wednesday |
Y3 Events
As part of the school’s philosophy we offer opportunities for the children to experience a variety of events throughout the year.
Below are some of the events which your child will participate in. We hope you will offer your support to help them do this.
Children’s Talent Show (in year groups) – Autumn 2 |
Easter competitions and celebrations – Spring 2 |
Sports Day – Summer 2 |
Y3 Extra-Curricular
A variety of clubs and activities are offered throughout the year.
As your child progresses through school, more opportunities will become available. In-school activities are announced during assembly or by your child’s class teacher.
Letters will be sent home about all after and before school activities.