Health & Wellbeing
At Nether Green we believe that healthy, well rounded children have the best chance of achieving success at school and in the wider community. Children need to feel happy, safe and valued and that they are treated fairly. Keeping healthy, fit and safe is important to us at Nether Green and along with our Curriculum Experiences, (Collaboration, Enrichment and Citizenship) underpins much of what we do at school.
Through the curriculum, assemblies, the School Council and extra-curricular activities, opportunities are given to discuss issues and take part in activities which promote and raise awareness of healthy living and keeping safe.
Woodland Trust Green Tree School Bronze Award
We have been awarded the Woodland Trust Green Tree School Bronze Award for Y5WK’s work in Wildlife Club for encouraging outdoor learning and inspiring the children about trees, woods and wildlife whilst helping the environment and improving our school grounds.
The children raised money by holding a bake sale to buy amongst other things a bird feeding station, planters and bulbs. The children also planted hedge whips near the Sports Hall and a cherry tree for the Queen’s Green Canopy scheme marking the Jubilee.
They have also been very active in recycling, composting and litter picking around our school grounds.