Performing Arts

Girls wearing masks for a performance by Tobias C. Wahl from Pixabay


We are passionate about ensuring that every child at Nether Green has regular opportunities to perform to families in concerts and theatre productions. Preparing and rehearsing for these events provide valuable chances for our pupils to collaborate, developing their listening and speaking skills. They offer enriching learning experiences for the children and celebrate talents within our school community. 

Snowman in a red hat. Photo by Showkat Chowdhury on Unsplash

Year 3 Performances

  • Winter Festival Concert during Autumn 2
  • Musical Theatre performance during Spring 1 
Viking model. Photo by hao qin on Unsplash

Year 5 Performances

  • Vikings class performance during Autumn 1
  • Winter Festival Concert during Autumn 2
Theatre Curtains. Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Year 4 Performances

  • Winter Festival Concert during the Autumn term
  • Musical Theatre performance during Spring 2
Stage Show. Photo by Hulki Okan Tabak on Unsplash

Year 6 Performances

  • Winter Festival Concert during Autumn 2
  • Musical Theatre performance during Summer 2

Music of the Half Term

To further enrich the ‘listening’ aspect of our music curriculum, the children are exposed to a different style of music each half term during assemblies. The style is introduced at the start of each half term where the children learn about it’s origins, history, key features and common instruments used. While walking into each following assembly, the children listen to a range of pieces in the focus style to further deepen their understanding. The styles chosen celebrate the diversity of our school community.

The music styles chosen for this year include:

  • Gospel
  • Musical Theatre
  • Reggae
  • Classical
  • Rock
  • Indian Fusion

Record Shop. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Music assemblies also feature performances from musicians and ensembles within our wider community. These have included Sheffield Music Academy, Music in the City and the Sheffield Music Hub.


As a school we understand that singing is a foundational musical skill that has numerous benefits for children, including developing language, memory and critical thinking, as well as supporting emotional regulation.

All pupils learn a specific set of songs during each half term, some linked to assembly themes and others that link to their curriculum projects. Through these songs, the children explore singing in unison, parts (including rounds) and in harmony, building upon their skills as they progress through school.

Assembly songs for this year include:

  • Together
  • Every Journey
  • Give it all you’ve got
  • Try and try again

Extra-curricular Ensembles


We have so many passionate singers in our school community! With over 60 members, choir rehearses weekly during a Monday lunchtime with Mrs Meller and Mrs Charlesworth. Rehearsals provide wonderful opportunities for the children to collaborate, exploring a diverse repertoire of music and develop their harmony singing. Choir engage regularly with our wider community by performing in local events.


Rehearsing weekly, during a Tuesday lunchtime, our school orchestra offers the chance for children learning an instrument in school to further develop their musicianship. In previous years, orchestra have performed in the Music for Youth regional festivals.

Guitar Band

Guitar band enjoy rocking out during their rehearsals on a Friday! Led by guitar teacher, Jack Lowe, guitar band has also previously participated in the Music for Youth regional festivals, progressing to perform at Birmingham Symphony Hall.


We currently hold a Silver Artsmark award, awarded by Arts Council England, which recognises our commitment to delivering high quality arts and cultural education. Feedback from the Artsmark assessors noted:

“Engaging with the arts is beginning to have tangible results on pupils and staff at Nether Green Junior School. The arts feature in school improvement plans and are supported by SLT, new progression linked curricula for Art and Design and Music and increased extra-curricular provision. Pupils access a consistent and relevant range of experiences in school which leads to showcasing within school and the local community. It’s great to hear about installing artwork on the school railings during the pandemic and projects like the Story Frame with Sheffield Theatres, and how you have embedded this style of learning into your ‘Immersive, Creative Project’ as you have redeveloped your curriculum.”

Silver ArtsMark