Useful Information for Parents & Carers

Family in wellingtons Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

Times of the School Day

  • School doors open to pupils: 8.40am
  • Morning:  8.50am – 12.00 noon
  • Afternoon: 1.00pm – 3.35pm
  • Assembly: Daily at 11.40am – 12.00 noon


Hop Scotch

Useful Information

Assessment, Progress & Attainment

Assessment and record keeping, which provide a continuous record of progress and attainment, is at the heart of the process of promoting children’s learning.  It forms an integral part of the curriculum and is central to effective teaching and learning.

Assessment opportunities are identified at the planning stage for each half term in English, Maths and ICT, and when necessary in the foundation subjects.  A broad range of strategies are used including Assessing Pupil Progress grids (APPs); observation; questions, conversation and discussion; written and practical activities; tests; pupil self-assessment and evaluation.

The first formal tests are carried out in September each year.  Year 3 pupils undertake a baseline QCA assessment in reading, writing and maths.  A Non-Verbal Reasoning test is also taken during this year.  Pupils take NFER tests in English and Maths in years 4 and 5.  Practice SATs papers are taken in Year 6.  Throughout the year there are termly assessments in English, Maths and ICT.  Assessments in other subjects are undertaken at the end of a topic or when appropriate.  In May there are QCA tests in English and Maths for Years 3, 4 and 5 and SATs in English and Maths for Year 6.

Continuous, ongoing teacher assessment in all areas will ensure that lessons are set at an appropriate level and differentiated to maximise progress and achievement for all children.

For more information, please read our Assessment and Record-Keeping Policy.

You can download information on national expected levels of attainment and progress throughout primary school education here.

Assessment outcomes 2023 

Attendance & Absence

We are proud of the good attendance of our pupils at Nether Green Junior School and the support parents give us.

School starts at 8.50 am. Children arriving after the register is taken (9.00 am and 1.00 pm.) will be marked late/absent.

If your child is ill you should phone the school as early as possible. The telephone will be answered from 8.30 am onwards (0114 230 2461).  If you are late please ensure your child is registered at the office and a reason is given. If you return your child to school during the school day please ensure you inform the office staff.

Unexplained absences are classed as unauthorised absences. Home visits will be made by the inclusion officer where there are concerns regarding attendance or lateness.   If your child is having any difficulties affecting their attendance please let us know.

Under normal circumstances, we will not contact you if your child does not arrive at school. If you would like us to do so please inform the office staff.

For further information, including legal obligations of attendance, please read our Attendance Information for Parents and Carers or our Attendance Policy and Exceptional Leave During Term Time Policy.

Attendance Information for Parents and Carers

Attendance Policy

Exceptional Leave During Term Time Policy

Attendance Guidance


We have high expectations of the children’s behaviour. We believe that good behaviour, respect and good manners are all important in helping children begin to become good citizens.

 We work with children to promote, develop and recognise good behaviour. Our aim is to enable our pupils to learn how to communicate their feelings, set themselves goals and work towards them, interact successfully with others, resolve conflicts peaceably, control their anger and negotiate their way through the many complex relationships in their lives.

Our Vision and Values

Our values are at the core of everything we do and have been developed with the aim of preparing our pupils to be confident, happy and compassionate citizens. Our vision and values are:

  • Effort and Resilience
  • Independence
  • Pride
  • Behaviour and Attitude
  • Teamwork
  • Respect

We have reward systems in school to encourage and recognise good behaviour. We also have systems in place to deal with inappropriate behaviour. Serious incidents of poor behaviour are very rare at our school but will be dealt with appropriately if the need arises. Parents/Carers will be asked to become involved if necessary.

Pupils have the right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without the fear of being bullied. Bullying can be physical, verbal or indirect. The school uses the following definition from the Local Authority put into child-friendly language: Bullying is hurtful behaviour which is all the following: Ongoing, Deliberate and Unequal. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our school. It is WRONG and will not be tolerated.

If parents/carers have any concerns we ask that, in the first instance, you come and talk to the child’s class teacher, with an open mind.

Behaviour Policy 

Dress Code

At Nether Green Junior School we celebrate the children’s individuality and diversity.  It is our policy not to discriminate on grounds of gender and to respect and accommodate the dress of different cultures, races and religions.  We feel that children should be encouraged to take pride in their appearance and wear appropriate, suitable and safe clothing for school.

 We have a school sweatshirt and T-shirt, in a choice of styles.  This is not compulsory and is available in a variety of colours.

 With this in mind, we ask that:

  1.  Children should come to school wearing clothing that is appropriate for working and playing.  Children should feel comfortable in what they are wearing.  We ask that sleeveless tops and crop tops are not worn. Shorts need to be at least mid-thigh length.
  1. a)  Children should not wear items of jewellery and metal badges etc which could lead to safety issues.  Only watches and simple ear rings i.e. studs should be worn, these should be removed for PE and games.  Children will put their jewellery in a tray provided and collect them at the end of the lesson.  School cannot take responsibility for lost items.
  1. b)  Inevitably at times ‘fashion items’ will become popular.  The school will decide on the appropriateness of the children being allowed to wear such items, taking into account health and safety issues and other important criteria. Decisions will be reported to parents/carers through school newsletters.
  1.  Unless for religious reasons children should not wear headgear/scarves etc inside the school buildings.  Children will be encouraged to wear headgear in the playground which is appropriate for the weather.  For example, warm hats in winter and hats which offer protection from the sun in the summer months.
  1.  Children should wear appropriate footwear.  Shoes with high heels and ‘flip flop’ type sandals are not appropriate as our buildings and playgrounds are not suitable for them.
  1.  Children should come to school in cold weather with a warm coat or, in warmer weather, with a showerproof jacket.  Whenever safe and possible we do insist on outdoor play.

Our PE kit is a Nether Green T-shirt, black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms with no logo or black leotard.  All children should have black plimsolls with nonmarking soles for indoor use.  Children should always have a PE kit in school for appropriate lessons, otherwise, they will be asked to wear a spare one from school.  Long hair must be tied back for PE lessons.

It is useful for the children to bring in a large old T-shirt or shirt to wear over their clothes for art lessons.

Please label all clothes so we can return them.  School cannot accept responsibility for lost items.  The lost property bin is outside the medical room.  We keep lost property for 4 weeks; after this time the clothes will be displayed for the children to view and then given to a charity.

This dress code will be actively supported by all staff.

Dress Code

Medical Consent Form

If your child requires essential medicines during school hours, you will need to complete a form giving staff permission to do so.

 Staff will give a child medicine only with their parent’s written consent by completion of this form.

 Medicines brought to school should always be provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include the prescriber’s instructions for administration.

 School will keep written records of each time a medicine is given.

 Please download and complete the form below and return to school together with your child’s medication, or pick up a form from the school office.

Administering Medicines Information for Parents/Carers

Policy for Administering Medicines

OFSTED Parents View

Please complete the questionnaire.

OFSTED Parents View

Partnerships with Parents and Carers

We welcome parents and carers being involved in school and their child’s education in different ways:

  • Parents and carers are welcome to come to speak to their child’s teacher at the end of the school day as the children are being dismissed outside. This may be to ask any question you may have or to inform the members of staff of things which may be affecting your child.  For a more in-depth discussion, you may arrange to meet with the appropriate member of staff at a mutually agreed time. Any queries about your child should firstly be addressed to the class teacher.  If necessary the teacher will suggest discussions with other members of staff.

You can email the teacher using the following email addresses.

  • Weekly home support task sheets are produced every week which outline activities to be carried out at home and give updated information about events which are happening.  They also give more detail about the curriculum.  The task sheets are available on this website, via email and in printed form.  We hope you will find this helpful in supporting your child.  If you have any questions or concerns, please call in to see your child’s teacher.
  • There are three parent/teacher progress meetings during the year.  Meetings in Autumn and Spring term are an opportunity for you to speak with your child’s teacher about their progress, see your child’s work and share any relevant information.  The final meeting in the Summer term offers you the option to follow up any aspects of your child’s report.
  • We run evening workshops for parents and carers on how Maths and English are taught in Year 3.
  • Parents and carers are invited to school events throughout the year including concerts, drama productions, art exhibitions and sports day.
  • If you’d like to know how your child can become involved in extra-curricular activities, including sports and arts, please look at our Clubs & Activities.
  • We are always grateful to receive help in school, so if you feel able to assist – with reading, creative activities, helping on school trips, or giving talks – please talk to the office or your child’s teacher.  Parents who wish to help need an up-to-date CRB check (please ask the office about CRB checks) and should read our Safeguarding and Volunteer Guidance.
  • We use Teachers2Parents text message and email service to communicate important messages such as school closure or a cancelled event.  This service is free to you when you receive the message.  Please make sure the office has your up-to-date details if you want to be contacted this way.
  • The school has an active PTA which always welcomes new members.

School Council

The School Council is elected by the children.

They elect two children from each class, each year to generate ideas and represent their views about improving school life.

 Activities include presenting ideas to the Head teacher, baking for events, making posters advertising events, taking part in governor consultations, deciding which charities the school supports, and how to spend PTA funds.

Promotion of British Values

At Nether Green Junior School we believe that, through high-quality Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMS) provision and underlying ethos of the school, all children achieve their full potential as well developing a full understanding of their role within their community. This ultimately means that our children leave the school at the end

of Year 6 as well-rounded young people who are ready to make the transition to secondary school. Part of our role in this preparation is ensuring that we promote and reinforce key values to our students. These include:

  • We are gentle
  • We are kind and helpful
  • We listen
  • We are honest
  • We work hard
  • We look after property

The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and considered them to be democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. At our school, we feel these values sit well with our own key values and are consistently reinforced and respected within our school community. The examples that follow are an indication of some of the many ways we seek to embed British Values at Nether Green Junior School and are an indication of our

approach rather than an exhaustive list. Our assembly programme, Golden Rules and wider curricular teaching are key ways in which we develop our key values, including British values with our children.


At Nether Green Junior School the principle of democracy is consistently reinforced.

Elections for School Councillors and the high-profile nature of their work as well as work throughout the curriculum and in assemblies ensure that our children have a good understanding of the democratic process, both in school and on a local and national level.

The rule of law

The importance of “laws,” whether they are those that govern the class, the school, or the country, is consistently reinforced throughout regular school days. Our

‘Golden Rules’ are high profile throughout school and are discussed and referred to in all classes. Our children recognise the importance of right and wrong and those consequences apply when rules are broken.

Individual liberty

Within our school, children are actively encouraged to make independent choices knowing that they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment. As a school, we

provide clear boundaries for children to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and an inspiring curriculum. Children are encouraged to know,

understand and exercise their rights, responsibilities and personal freedoms and receive advice about how to exercise these safely, for example through our

exploration of E-Safety. Children have an active role in steering the curriculum through generating questions to guide their learning.

Mutual respect

Respect is at the core of our school ethos and is modelled by children and staff alike. The school promotes respect for others and this is reinforced through our classroom and learning environments as well as our sequence of assemblies. In line with our commitment to democracy, children at our school are always able to voice their opinions and we foster an environment where they are safe to disagree with each other.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

 Children are taught to understand their place in our culturally diverse society through our curriculum and SMSC provision. Our high quality RE curriculum introduces a range of religions and beliefs and enables our children to discuss and recognise different beliefs and faiths. Our MFL curriculum and Language of the Half Term further broadens the cultural understanding of our children. If you have any questions regarding our SMSC provision or promotion of British Values, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Useful Links

If you are a parent or carer, we hope you will find the web links below useful.
Here is a list of other websites that you might find helpful. Any link to other websites is not an endorsement of them and we are not responsible for their content or availability.