Our Staff

Come and meet the staff at our school!

Will Allen Head Teacher

Mr Will Allen

Head Teacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Abi Thorlby<br />
Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs A Thorlby

Deputy Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Charlotte Musgrove

Ms C Musgrove

SENCO, Assistant Head Teacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Jude Charlesworth

Mrs J Charlesworth

Assistant Head Teacher and Y6 Teacher

Charlotte Bamford<br />
Integrated Resource Lead

Miss Bamford

Integrated Resource Lead

Killian Lomas

Mr Lomas

Lead practitioner

Mr Hancock<br />
Phase Leader LKS2

Mr Hancock

Phase Leader LKS2

Mrs Handley<br />
Phase Leader UKS2

Mrs Handley

Phase Leader UKS2

Mrs Bedford

Mrs B Bedford

Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Miss Stiles<br />
Business Support Manager

Miss Stiles

Business Support Manager


Mrs A Handley – Y6 Teacher (Phase Leader UKS2)

Mrs R Kirby – Y6 Teacher

Mrs J Charlesworth – Y6 Teacher (Assistant Head Teacher)

Miss Olivia  Smith– Y6 Teacher


Mr T Hancock – Y4 Teacher (Phase Leader LKS2)

Miss N Hawkins – Y4 Teacher

Miss J Hopkins – Y4 Teacher


Mr K Lomas – Y5 Teacher (Lead Practitioner)

Ms K Browne– Y5 Teacher

Mr J Earl – Y5 Teacher


Mrs S Meller – Y3 Teacher 

Mrs J Coats – Y3 Teacher 

Miss B Bartlett – Y3 Teacher

Mrs H Wing – Y3 Teacher

Mrs J Pickles – Y3 Teacher

Miss C BamfordHead of Integrated Resource (IR)

Mrs B Bedford – Learning Mentor and Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Ms L AlgerHigher Level Teaching Assistant linked with the IR

Miss A BellhouseHigher Level Teaching Assistant with the IR

Mrs S Akhtar – Teaching Assistant linked with the IR

Miss R Clegg – Teaching Assistant linked with IR

Mrs V StewartTeaching Assistant linked with the IR

Mr A Howlett – Teaching Assistant linked with the IR

Miss F Barrett – Teaching Assistant linked with the IR

Miss K Adamson – Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs J SimeTeaching Assistant / Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs K Armstrong – Teaching Assistant 

Miss E Balcombe Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Ms M IbrahimTeaching Assistant

Miss A KendallTeaching Assistant

Mr H Allen – Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Ms M VernonTeaching Assistant

Mr A WrightTeaching Assistant

Mrs S Welford Teaching Assistant

Miss I Keeley Teaching Assistant

Mrs T Galligan Teaching Assistant

Ms N Wilkinson Teaching Assistant

Mrs A AdebolaClerical Officer

Mrs K JowClerical Officer

Miss S StilesClerical Officer

Ms A BriceSchool Assistant

Mr K Jama – Buildings Officer

Mr D O’Leary – Assistant Buildings Officer

Mr M O’Connell – Play Worker

Mrs D Beaumont – Play Worker

Mrs A Alabdullah – Play Worker

Mrs C Astorga Rojas Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs G HowarthLunchtime Supervisor

Mrs S JohnsonLunchtime Supervisor

Mrs L MarshLunchtime Supervisor

Miss S Parwaiz Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs F Salimitari Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs C SanellaLunchtime Supervisor