School Council

School Council Girls in Green Hoodies

Our School Council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views considered in decisions that impact upon them.

26 children from Years 3 to 6 and the Integrated Resource from different backgrounds, religions, cultures and heritages who represent the children in school, carry forward ideas from their peers in class. The School Council is an excellent way in which to increase participation, learn about democracy as well as local and global citizenship.

The School Council has an important role organising charity events, fundraised for new school resources, delivering assemblies and promoting areas of the life skills Curriculum.

This academic year we wanted the children, who are part of School Council, to be representative of our whole school community. Therefore, the selection process was slightly different to previous years. The first candidate was elected democratically; pupils voted for a child in their classes who they felt would be suitable as a candidate. This process involved potential candidates completing a school council form, where they outlined the characteristics they possess that would complement the role. Their peers would then review their application and vote for a pupil of their choice. The second choice was made by the class teacher, reflecting the pupil cohort, with special consideration given to pupils from vulnerable groups.

Meet our School Councillors…

Y3BB – Elliott & Jack
Y3MC – Florence  & Safiya
Y3PW – Ceinwen & Finlay

Y4TH – Ethan & Aman
Y4JH – Marlia & Noah
Y4NH – Raheem & Freya W

Y5JE – Hadan & Rosa
Y5KL – Ella, Ubaid & Caleb
Y5KB – Lola & Omar

Y6HK – Ronnie & Jimmy
Y6OS – Florence & Tom S

Y6JC – Shiann & Belle

Y3-6CB – Serena