Safeguarding Children

We are committed to offering a safe, quality learning environment for all our children, and taking good care of them while they are here. Everyone working at, or visiting the school is responsible for supporting and safeguarding our children. 

The Children Act (1989), puts a duty on all education staff to report any concerns that they may have that any child may be suffering significant harm.

At our school, Mrs A Thorlby is Designated Safeguarding Lead.  Head Teacher Mr W Allen, Ms C Musgrove and Mrs M Giblin are our Designated Deputy Safeguarding Leads.  They treat any matters of children’s welfare and safety with professional confidentiality.

If you wish to discuss safeguarding, provision for children in need, the safety of your child or anything that may be affecting your child’s wellbeing, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

For more information please read these documents:

Document IconWorking Together to Safeguard Children

Document IconKeeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Useful Links

Globe Icon

Abi Thorlby<br />
Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs A Thorlby

Deputy Head Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Will Allen Head Teacher

Mr Will Allen

Head Teacher & Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Charlotte Musgrove

Ms C Musgrove

SENCO, Assistant Head Teacher & Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Mrs B Bedford Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs B Bedford

Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Safeguarding  and Child Protection Policy

Social Media Guide

Online Safeguarding Policy