Our Vision & Values


Nether Green Junior School provides a safe, stimulating and inclusive environment for learning that enables the best possible social, academic and cultural development for our children. It is a happy, vibrant and productive workplace for children and staff alike where children take part in a rich variety of experiences that enhance and support academic learning.

We work hard to forge positive and enduring partnerships with parents/carers and the local and
wider community.


Our values are at the core of everything we do and have been developed with the aim of preparing our pupils to be confident, happy and compassionate citizens.

Effort & Resilience

Our pupils will be encouraged to:

  • Have a growth mindset
  • Learn from their mistakes
  • Embrace challenges
  • Strive to better themselves
  • Take risks
  • Try their best
  • Never give up
Children's hands on a map of the world Image by Ralph from Pixabay

Behaviour & Attitudes

Our pupils will be encouraged to:

  • Understand and embrace fundamental world values
  • Be happy, friendly and caring
  • Embrace difference and diversity
  • Listen and respect other’s thoughts, feelings and opinions
  • Be respectful, tolerant and caring
  • Be humble
    Girl learning cycle proficiency


    Our pupils will be encouraged to:

    • Have high aspirations and expectations of themselves and for others
    • Have ownership of their school
    • Think freely
    • Be a critical thinker
    • Be passionate and curious about their learning
    • Develop their organisational skills
    • Use initiative
    • Take responsibility
    • Be an active learner
      School Councillors


      Our pupils will be encouraged to:

      • Work and play together fairly and with respect
      • Listen actively, collaborate and compromise
      • Respect different ideas
      • Support those who need it
        Boy in school hall


        Our pupils will be encouraged to:

        • Show pride in one another’s achievements
        • Have pride in their work and all aspects of learning
        • Look after their school, resources and environment
        • Take pride in their achievements
        Frog in a child's hand Image by Kelly Taylor-Faye from Pixabay


        Our pupils will be encouraged to:

        • Be polite and well-mannered.
        • Value themselves and other people
        • Be respectful, tolerant and caring
        • Have mutual respect and tolerance for all, including those with different faiths and beliefs
        • Respect our school and its environment
        • take an interest in their community, country and the wider world