
“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.”

Victor Hugo

At Nether Green Junior School we understand that music provides a unique outlet for children to communicate and express themselves personally. It inspires, motivates and immerses its listeners; it’s reflection of culture and society therefore becomes an instrument for enabling children to explore the world and their place within it.

The aims of music teaching at Nether Green Juniors are to enable children to:

School Musicians
  • Sing and use their voices to perform, improvise and compose
  • Perform, listen to and review music across a range of historical periods, genres and styles
  • Learn to play an instrument and participate in ensembles
  • Develop musical skills through an understanding of the interrelated dimensions of music
  • Develop an appreciation for music, being able to listen intently and appraise

We have a wide range of exciting musical activities on offer throughout the school year.

For our keen singers, we run a lunchtime choir, open to all year groups. We enjoy learning songs from a variety of different genres and exploring pieces with multiple parts and harmonies. Our choir regularly perform at events in the local community.

Those children who receive instrumental tuition have the opportunity to join one of our extra-curricular ensembles.  Guitar players join our guitar band who love to rock out on a Friday lunchtime! String, woodwind and brass players join our large school orchestra who rehearse on a Tuesday lunchtime.

All of our ensembles have previously participated in the Music for Youth Regional Festivals and also enjoy performing regularly in school concerts.

If you would like any further information about music in school, please speak to Mrs Meller.