If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Nether Green Junior School has two feeder infant schools:
Broomhill Infant School
Beech Hill Road
S10 2SA
Tel: 0114 2660936
Headteacher: Jane Barnes
Nether Green Infant School
Stumperlowe Park Road
S10 3QP
Tel: 0114 2304094
Headteacher: Lucy Hawkins
You can apply for a school place for your child online
Although there is no guarantee of a place, even if a child attends a designated linked infant school, historically, everyone that has applied has been able to get a place. There are potentially around 114 applications for 90 places not including newcomers to the area. In the event of oversubscription to the relevant year group, places are offered in the following order of priority:
1. Special Educational Needs & Looked After Children
This category is only prioritised if a specific school is named in the statement or individual care plan.
2. Attendance at Linked Infant School
This category applies to the transfer from Year 2 to Year 3 between separate Infant and Junior Schools. Priority will be afforded for places at the Junior School to children who have attended the designated linked infant school. In the event of oversubscription from the linked infant school(s), normal admission priorities (i.e. those at points 3, 4, 5 and 6) would be applied.
3. Catchment Area
Children resident in the defined school catchment area. Check the school catchment area at
4. Siblings
A sibling is a child who permanently or usually lives at the same address and who will attend the preferred school at the point of entry.
5. All other applicants
6. Tie-breakers
If a full category cannot be accommodated, the tie-breaker will be distance from home to school, measured as the crow flies.
Independent Appeal
All parents/carers of children who are initially unsuccessful in their application will receive further details about the statutory appeals process from the Local Authority.
Admission to the school’s Integrated Resource
Our Integrated Resource is for children with an EHCP with significant learning difficulties and complex needs. It is funded by the Local Authority who decide which children are allocated a place. To find out about admissions to the Integrated Resource, please contact the school.